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Adopted September 7, ,2012 by Ryan and Jenny Nelson, Ann Dawes, passed September 7, 2017

Abbey joined our family for a week when her foster family went on vacation. But, after having her a few days, we decided that she was already home. Abbey came from a loving family that simply did not know what they could do to help her - she had severe allergies, terrible skin, and barely any hair. With the help of a loving vet, and the miracle drug of Apoquel, we brought her back to a full coat and un-itchy skin. Abbey was never far from her favorite Chuck-It toys; we continuously had over 15 balls spread throughout the house, front yard, back yard and garage. She was quick to tell us about her day, growling and talking with her ball in her mouth when we came home from work. She loved to swim, and loved visits to the pool and to the lake. She got the zoomies often, but hers were slower and short lived..."alot of action, not alot of movement," her papa would joke. Her favorite person was "grammal", her forever grandma and if you needed to know where grammal was, you only needed to find Abbey. And, she always had her blankies (sherpas) nearby for a warm and cozy snooze. We miss you everyday, Abbey, and hope you are enjoying running, playing ball, and swimming in that big lake in heaven. Until we meet again, all our love. -Papa, Mama, and Grammal

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